Join the 2020 MIND cohort
MIND (Making INformed Decisions) is a career exploration program for PhD students and postdocs. Join our Fall 2020 course to identify and explore career paths and plan your next move. No prior experience required!
Planning Your Academic Career
Let us guide you through the faculty application process with weekly videos, guidance and workshops.
Shine in your Video Interviews
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Are you Connected?
Have you signed up for UCSF Connect yet? Meet UCSF alumni who have expressly stated that they are open to informational interviews, CV reviews and mentoring!
Welcome to the OCPD
Our mission? To teach UCSF biomedical students and postdoctoral scholars the professional skills required for career success.



July 22, 2020

One of the most effective ways to help your CV/resume stand out is to highlight your relevant accomplishments when describing your experiences. A CV/resume does not only tell the story of what you did. It should also tell a story of how well you did it. By demonstrating your accomplishments, the residency director/...


June 16, 2020

Like many of you, I have been overwhelmed by news of the tragic deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and George Floyd. I am also encouraged to learn how communities across the country are taking a stand to address systemic racism and injustice.

I find myself constantly returning to the question that...

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Life Science Venture Capital Fellowship


Statistical Geneticist/Genomicist


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